Cinema Technology Jul. 26, 2024
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About adding and updating companies

We provide a complementary listing for companies involved in the cinema exhibition and closely related markets.  
  • We do not list companies that focus on other aspects of digital media, such as consumer home theatre, streaming, general broadcasting, pod-casting, IPTV, and related, unless there is a clear connection to the professional cinema exhibition market.
  • To request update rights for a particular company, or request a new company, please create a login account.  First, register using an email address with the same domain as the company you intend to add or update.  If you need to change your email address, register again with using your company's email address.  
  • The system will sent you a confirmation email.  The confirmation email may take a few minutes to arrive.  (Please check your spam folder if you can't find the confirmation email.)  Once confirmed, you can login using the link in the upper left under the DCinematoday logo. 
  • When you are logged in, your email will appear under the DCinematoday logo.  Click on you email to open your account manage page.  
  • Notice the folders will open when clicked.   You can find much more information about creating and updating directory listing, and submitting news articles in the About DCinemaToday folder near the bottom.
  • When you have been authorized to update a company's information,  the Authorizations folder will automatically open and that company will be listed with a link to its admin page.  Here you can update addresses, website links, your "About Company" text block, and upload a login that will appear on your directory page and your news articles. 

  • Remember to first register to create a local account. 

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