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Weischer.Media GmbH & Co. Germany
Subidary Companies: WerbeWeischer ( Germany)

About Weischer.Media GmbH & Co.:
With over 270 employees located in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne and Zurich the companies within Weischer.Media generate a combined annual turnover of approx. 300 million euros. Florian and Marcus Weischer, as the personally liable partners, manage the family company founded 60 years ago by their father, Hans Weischer. Jost von Brandis stands for creative media and brand cooperation concepts in the out-of-home sector. The company has belonged to the group for 20 years and is one of the largest forces in the German out-of-home media market as an agency independent of poster contractors and advertising agencies. WerbeWeischer is the market leader in the German cinema advertising market and from a historic perspective the core company within Weischer.Media. As an all-round service provider WerbeWeischer bundles competency in consulting, conception and realisation for movie screen and below-the-line campaigns in the cinema – all under one roof. Five of WerbeWeischer’s associated companies operate as group partners and advertising administrators: Union Kinowerbung, CineCom Kinowerbung, Europa Film + Werbung, Udia-Filmwerbung and Heinefilm Kinowerbung in Bonn. adeins Media Logistik GmbH is the central service provider of purchasing, production and logistics. Implementing its own Units for online marketing and mobile marketing operated by Jost von Brandis, WerbeWeischer as well as Weischer.Online, Weischer.Media offers their clients the opportunity to network their campaigns in an effective manner. The interdisciplinary development and implementation of innovative media and brand cooperation concepts to increase brand awareness and sales are supplied by the WMG subsidiary elbbergMedia. The Weischer.Storyhouse combines the media know-how of the group companies with content-related competency in order to more effectively and sustainably display the clients’ brands. Storyhouse bundles the business sectors of Brand Content, Alternative Programming and Entertainment Marketing. All of the Weischer.Media companies are united by one common goal: to network target-oriented communication channels and to effectively and sustainably involve target groups, thus rendering clients’ advertising campaigns effective and efficient.

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