Cinema Technology Jul. 26, 2024
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AG Verleih Germany

About AG Verleih:
Created in 1999, AG Verleih is the association of 36 German distribution companies from micro-structures to independent majors. For a trade association, it is unique in the development of consumer awareness of the exhibition business. In short, good cinema exists only in good cinemas. AG Verleih not only represents its own interests, but always has in mind that three other factors come into play: the content provider (the rental), the entity that makes it available to the public (the cinema) and, finally,the audience. AG Verleih stands for the preservation, expansion and renewal of the film offering in cinemas. In addition, the association is committed to improving the economic and cultural conditions for the distribution of films by independent production companies, young directors, documentary films, short films and interesting films from all countries. We have also set ourselves the goal of promoting communication and cooperation with national, European and international institutions and organizations that share a similar goal. AG Verleih intervenes when unfair market barriers make it difficult for independent productions to enter cinemas, when injustices in the German and European film promotion system only favor large companies, distort competition and thus damage the development of film art. Since 1999, AG Verleih has been working continuously to promote film culture.

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