Barco, a global leader in digital cinema technology, announces the launch of CineCare Web – a new online tool for the digital cinema market. CineCare Web enables remote and central management of digital cinema equipment and thus ensures maximum performance and uptime.
Given that CineCare Web is fully scalable, it can benefit smaller art house cinemas as well as multiplexes and circuits. The CineCare Web offering can be customized according to geographic region.
Maximizing uptime remotely
CineCare Web removes the need for service engineers to be physically present in the theater to check system status. Thanks to this secure tool, users can manage cinema equipment remotely via a cloud-based application. CineCare Web comes with an easy-to-use interface that has been specifically designed for the cinema industry and includes a dashboard and map view that offer a unique overview of all connected equipment. CineCare Web enables pro-active maintenance to maximize the uptime of the connected cinema gear. It is the industry’s most easy-to-use and accessible remote asset management tool.
Peace of mind
CineCare Web offers ultimate peace of mind, enabling all industry players to remotely monitor their digital cinema equipment 24/7. What’s more, CineCare Web improves service efficiency – as potential problems can be detected and addressed during off-show hours before an actual failure occurs. Another major benefit for integrators and service providers is that they can centrally manage all their customer’s systems via one simple tool.
Expanded digital cinema portfolio
“With the brand-new CineCare Web tool, we can help optimize uptime for both small and large exhibitors and keep their expenses at a minimum,” comments Wim Buyens, Senior Vice President of Barco’s Entertainment Division. “Our comprehensive service tool is very easy to use and will surely make life easier for our customers.”
Shaping the cinema of the future
The introduction of CineCare Web is part of Barco’s commitment to shape the cinema of the future together with its customers. In addition to state-of-the-art projection technology, Barco’s digital cinema product portfolio also includes ready-to-use projection and integrated media server packages, immersive 3D cinema sound, digital signage solutions, theater management software, dedicated training and a full palette of services. Barco offers its customers everything they need to gear their cinema for the future.